What is GeCCo


Global eCollaboration Competition (GeCCo) is an international virtual 24-hour project management case study competition for young project managers and students interested in project management organized by IPMA Young Crew.

One of the best parts of being in a global network of young project managers is the people you get to meet! Most of those contacts happen during IPMA YC flagship event, the Global Young Crew Workshop, but attending an international event has always been an economic barrier for many. On the other hand, the world is going digital.

Many projects are now managed by distributed teams with different tools and skills constantly being used to improve project management processes. It is thus important for the new generation of project managers to be at the forefront of this wave.


That is what brought the IPMA YCMB to an idea to organize an online competition that takes 24 hours and mix together teams in which each team member comes from a different country! With different time zones, 24 hours is almost as long as three days!

The project was launched in 2012 as an innovative project with the goal to bring together young professionals and students in the field of project management (both members and non-members of IPMA Young Crew) from all over the globe to experience virtual teamwork.


Why to participate in GeCCo?

Virtual communication, group dynamics in distributed teams, different cultures and time zones are just a few of the challenges that make this project truly unique.

GeCCo makes it possible to gain real experience of working in a distributed multicultural team, get to know and apply new approaches, develop skills, build international connections, and much more.

Who should apply?

The competition is addressed to all young project management professionals and students interested in project management from officially recognized Young Crew countries, disregarding their practical experience or area of expertise, but with a sufficient level of knowledge in project management. Participants are chosen among the national YCs that have registered to GeCCo.